Get back! Back! You lot don't calm down, I'll make you all strip, and you can stand there                                   with your knackers out. I could do with a laugh!


An anonymous caller reports that the Provisional Irish Republican Army is to start a new bombing campaign in Manchester. Sam doesn't think the warning rings true, using his knowledge of the future he is adament that the IRA were not using that type of explosive at that time. Gene Hunt however remains convinced that it is the IRA. When the team report to a scene in which a car bomb is planted Sam is adament that it is a hoax - however he and DS Carling goad one another, and it is the latter that walks to the vehicle. As he gets closer the car explores and Carling is seriously injured - and as a result the rest of the team lose faith in Tyler.

Gene Hunt and the team shun Tyler's line of investigation, choosing instead to focus on an Irish socialist group, bringing all of the members into the Police Station for questioning. Patrick O' Brien seems to be the man in the frame, the one who will of course be held responsible as Fenchurch East are desperate to get a result. However it becomes clear that this socialist group are not responsible, and that the reported bombing campaign is actually a stage for something else....

DS Ray Carling returns to work still suffering from what Tyler described as PTSD. As the episode draws to a close Carling and Tyler need to work together to snare the real perpetraitor....can their fraught and strained relations be fixed?? Meanwhile Sam's visions of the future suggest that he may have suffered brain damage, affecting his higher reasoning, from having been in a coma for so long. 


















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Episode No. Season 2
Episode 3
Directed by S. J. Clarkson
Written by Julie Rutterford
Original Airdate March 6, 2007