Good work, Raymondo. I'm pumping you back up to D.S. Though this time make it                                      stand for "Detective Sergeant" and not "Dog Sh*t".


Tyler has visions of someone disrupting his life support system in 2006, and encounters who he thinks is the same assailant in 1973, running a gambling syndicate and protection racket. Tony Crane appears to be an up and coming business mogul, and whilst he seems to have others in his pocket (including the Police), Tyler is prepared to go to any lengths to make sure his life is not threatened and the man doesn't kill his original victim. It is Tyler's belief that somehow Crane is involved in the murder of George Rills. He continues to attempt to disrupt and bring down Crane's mini empire, telling him that he will stop at nothing to get him. Tyler even confronts Crane's wife to be, Eve Olawi, telling her that she will eventually take her own life due to Crane's treatment of her.

Gene Hunt questions Tyler's almost obsessive pursuit of Crane, and initially refuses to support his DI's actions. However as a build up of evidence suggests that Crane is involved in the commission fo crime Hunt changes his mind. Unfortunately Crane appears to be one step ahead and arranges for two of his henchmen to get rid of these officers. Hunt and Tyler are not quite ready to die, and after evading what appeared to be a likely death by being pushed off a building, they confront and catch Crane. Back at the station Crane reveals what Tyler had been telling him (that he was from the future) and that the DI was 'mad,' and on this evidence any case against him would fall. However Tyler denies this, and the tide is turned.....Crane is led away to see doctors after being detained under the MHA. It seems that once again Tyler's life support system is safe....he has changed the future.

Meanwhile, the department is looking for a new DC, and they can't seem to find the right man for the job. Eventually, Sam chooses who he thinks deserves the promotion for the persons help in solving the case...Annie, who becomes WDC. Within this episode we are also introduced to Detective Superintendant Harry Woolf, who used to be Hunt's DCI when he was a DI.























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Episode No. Season 2
Episode 1
Directed by S. J. Clarkson
Written by Matthew Graham
Original Airdate February 13, 2007